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FOCUS Art Fair London opens at Saatchi Gallery. 
| 10 October, 2024

One of the highlights this year is FOCUS Art Fair, which returns to the Saatchi Gallery with an eclectic and thought-provoking selection of galleries to add a bit of substance to this festive season...

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FOCUS London 2024: Unveiling our Groundbreaking Art Fair with Art Icons and Global Brands 
| September 19, 2024

FOCUS Art Fair, founded in 2017 under the direction of Sungmin Hong and Jungwon Lee, is an international art fair offering a platform for diverse and rising artists to bring their unique visions to life...


Focus Art Fair: Moving Experiences
| 6 October, 2024

This October, Focus Art Fair opens the doors of the Saatchi Gallery, London, to lovers of contemporary art. Since 2019, the international event has been a shining beacon for the connection between art and experience...


Observer’s Guide to This Year’s Must-Visit October Art Fairs
| 25 September, 2024

HongLee Curator specifically to support collaboration between Korean and international tech companies through art, thereby bridging the gap between physical and digital art and offering “distinct and idiosyncratic experiences that cross virtual and reality.”...

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FOCUS 世界藝術博覽會再訪倫敦 與全球品牌一起重新定義當代藝術

| October 2, 2024

今年在倫敦薩奇畫廊的展覽,FOCUS 將會與法國家具品牌 Roche Bobois 合作,展出中國當代設計師蔣瓊耳的 Bamboo Mood 系列作品,為觀者進一步深入了解中國傳統美學的當代詮釋;展覽同時亦會展出 Olivier Mourao 等世界知名藝術家的個展。。。

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FOCUS Art Fair London 2024



FOCUS is dedicated to offering each attendee an engaging in-person experience that fosters meaningful connections. 


FOCUS Art Fair Concludes its London Showcase at Saatchi Gallery
| 13 October, 2024

A key highlight was the collaboration between Roche Bobois and Chinese designer Jiang Qiong Er, unveiling the Bamboo Mood Collection...

Screenshot 2024-10-22 at 08-31-35 EDAN 이단 _saatchi_gallery Thanks for coming! Join us from

K-Pop-Star Dawn als Künstler

"Es fängt mit den ehrlichsten Dingen an"
| 22 October, 2024

Der K-Pop-Star Dawn ist nun auch in der Kunstwelt präsent und hat gerade zum ersten Mal in Europa ausgestellt. Wir haben mit ihm gesprochen...

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Korean artists at FOCUS Art Fair 2024

| 15 Septemer, 2024


As last year, FOCUS Art Fair will have a significant Korean representation, both in terms of galleries and individual artists. It will also host a mini-preview of The Oulim digital media event that will be taking place at the Saatchi Gallery later in October....


미술계 인사 8인이 본 한국 미술
| 8 November, 2024

1 현재 세계에서 한국 예술은 어떠한 위치에 있다고 생각하나? 2 한국 작가와 큐레이터의 활동이 특히 주목받는 이유가 있다면? 3 지금 예술계가 가장 유념하고 경계해야 할 점이 있다면? 4 앞으로 세계 속 한국 예술계가 더욱 성장하기 위해 해야 할 일은 무엇일까?...


FOCUS Art Fair: Immersive Art Experiences at Saatchi Gallery
| 22 October, 2024

This event brings together contemporary artists from around the world, offering immersive experiences and unique narratives for a new generation of art enthusiasts...


Korean artists at FOCUS Art Fair 2024

| 15 Septemer, 2024


FOCUS Art Fair will present a showcase highlighting the themes of sustainability, equality and innovation. Since 2017, FOCUS have hosted over 45 overseas exhibitions in some of the world’s most prestigious art spaces, and continue to redefine the global art scene...


Focus Art Fair 2024 | New York
| 2024

Sustainability will be the key defining theme of FOCUS Art Fair New York. The event aims to shape the art ecosystem of the future by fostering an in-depth understanding of sustainable art practices and eco-friendly approaches...


| 2023

Vision & Mission : We present the most trendy art and the contemporary messages of artistic discourse that encompasses it to the audience under the big theme...



| 21 December, 2023


In line with
its commitment to nurturing creativity, FOCUS is hosting a series of talks and workshops led by leading artists and experts,
that focus on two key themes: sustainability and the FOCUSPHERE (FOCUS*sphere)...


Focus Art Fair 2024 | New York
| 18 September, 2023

2023 포커스 런던'은 전통적인 예술과 디지털아트의 공존을 지향하는 획기적이고 새로운 형태의 아트페어로, 실제와 가상 영역의 경계를 허무는 다양한 작품으로 꾸려진다. 최첨단 기술과 예술적 상상력이 결합해 컬렉터에게 여금 디지털 아트의 역사의 중심이 되는 경험을 제공한다...


Focus Art Fair New York 2023
| 2023

FOCUS Art Fair is an annual contemporary art fair organized by HongLee, an international art agency based in Paris. Each year, we gather and introduce galleries from over 40 countries under one theme selected according to the ongoing art trend and issues. In an immense Art scene composed of global...


Focus Art Fair New York

| 15 May, 2023


This year's Focus Art Fair will explore the scope and meaning of the coexistence/relationship between classic and digital art through the concept of the "Art Boom."...


PichiAvo at FOCUS Art Fair in London with Underdogs Gallery
| 2023

FOCUS draws inspiration from both the poetic and scientific concepts of FOCUSHERE, creating a platform and acting as an incubator to accommodate a diverse ensemble of ecosystems that can mutually enrich one another...

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ADLER à Focus Art Boom
| 01 September, 2022

Le réseau social 3D d'Adler est partenaire technique à la Focus Art Boom au Carrousel du Louvre à Paris...


Focus Art Fair New York 2023
| 15 May, 2023

미국 뉴욕에서 TEFAF(5월 12~16일)와 프리즈 뉴욕(5월 17~ 21일) 등 아트페어가 잇따라 열리는 뉴욕 아트위크 주간에 타임스퀘어 광고판에 한국 작가의 미디어아트가 나비처럼 떴다. 이 기간 한국 젊은이들이 기획해 나란히 열리는 병행 아트페어 홍보 영상이다. ‘나비 작가’ 김홍년의 미디어아트 작품은 지난 8일부터 14일까지 반복적으로 등장했다...


Samsung partenaire de la FOCUS Art Fair au service de l’art numérique contemporain et de l’art cryptographique NFT

| 31 August, 2022

Un rendez-vous axé sur la coexistence entre l’art traditionnel et l’art digital auquel Samsung Electronics France prend part pour faire cohabiter le numérique et l’analogique. Les espaces imaginés par les équipes de FOCUS Art Fair et celles de Samsung Electronics France cherchent, en effet, à réévaluer, réimaginer et réinventer l’approche artistique...


Focus Art Boom : une foire pour une renaissance de l’art

| 01 September, 2022


Du 1er au 4 septembre 2022 se tiendra à Paris, au Carrousel du Louvre, « FOCUS Art Boom », la cinquième édition de la foire d'art contemporain FOCUS Art Fair...


FOCUS ART FAIR 2022, Paris, Carrousel du Louvre. Du 1er au 4 septembre 2022.

| 2022


La rentrée commence fort au coeur de la capitale avec une jeune foire internationale d’art contemporain au Carrousel du Louvre...


Rencontre avec Jungwon Lee

| 2022

Jungwon Lee est commissaire d'exposition et la fondatrice de HongLee Curator, une organisation en pleine expansion, spécialisée dans la gestion d'événements et la promotion de l'art contemporain...


Art Boom - Focus Art Fair - Paris

| 2022

FOCUS is a global art fair organized by HongLee Curator. Each year a theme is selected to promote our artists in a personalized way...


Focus Art Fair - En galerie

| 01 Septemeber, 2022


Cinquième édition pour la foire qui s’installe cette année sous la pyramide du Louvre avec pour intitulé Focus Art Boom ! « Boom » fait référence, selon l’organisateur HongLee Curator (une agence artistique), au boom artistique d’après-pandémie comme au boom des nouveaux marchés (à l’instar des NFT, du métavers, etc.)...

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Focus Art Fair, 5e édition sous le signe du numérique

| 04 September, 2022

Créée à Paris en 2017 par l'agence artistique HongLee Curator (Paris, Tokyo, Londres) et dirigée par le binôme sud-coréen Jungwon Lee et Sungmin Hong, la Focus Art Fair a connu cinq éditions, dont trois à Paris, une à Porto et une autre à Londres, malgré le contexte accidenté du Covid...

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Focus Art Fair #5 | Boom

| 04 September, 2022

Forte de ses éditions précédentes à Paris et à Londres, cette année la 5ème édition de Focus Art Fair prendra place au Carrousel du Louvre du 1er au 4 septembre sous le nom de Focus Art Boom...


De retour au Carrousel du Louvre pour la très hype « Focus Art Fair-Boom » avec les œuvres de Lee.K inspirées de Jimin, et d’autres artistes

| 29 Septemeber, 2022


Suis-je faite pour aller régulièrement au Carrousel du Louvre ? Face à cette perspective attrayante, je me dis que : finalement pourquoi pas ?...


FOCUS Art Fair, du 1 au 4 septembre 2022 au Carrousel du Louvre

| 22 August, 2022

Puisant directement dans l’écosystème du marché de l’art contemporain, notre foire permet aux artistes de partager leur travail avec les clients et collectionneurs d’art du monde entier...

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Focus Art Fair : Boom
| 2022

La Focus Art Fair Paris présente les meilleures galeries et artistes émergents et internationaux, un programme unique de projets Focus et plus encore, par le biais de foires virtuelles et en personne.


FOCUS ART FAIR | info & insights

| 2022


“Since its conception in 2019, Focus Art Fair has placed great emphasis on constructing a global art community and fostering an ecosystem between artists, art lovers, collectors, and art galleries.“...

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