Born in 1973 in Saitama in Japan, Natsuko Takekoshi grew up around Tokyo.
In 1993, she obtained a diploma in Fine Art in Fine Arts (Musashino Art University) then in
1995 a diploma in the art of life at the Women’s University (Kyôritsu joshi) in Tokyo.
As a plastic art teacher, she transmits the love of art to students today.
2020 FOCUS Art Fair Porto
2020 FOCUS Art Fair Paris
2020 Exhibition at MEDEL GALLERY SHU Inperial hotel plaza (art gallery) in Tokyo, Japan
I pray.
And one day, it naturally appeared on the canvas with love and light.
With light
Only love is instantly spread and connected.
I hope
in the heart of those who touched my works,
even with a slight touch,
if they can harbor the seeds of light,
they bloom to the large flowers named “love”.
The world is surrounded by the scent of these flowers.
Love spreads infinitely.
That is my prayer.
That is my creation.
I thank you with love and light.
The joy of feeling love itself.
Each of us is walking on the path of light, that leads to
the great love.
I’ve tried to express the sparking delight itself when you
are touching that love.
A work drawn with prayer that can become the door of
love to let us enjoy and resonate with a pure joy.
My work is, so to speak, an earth painting because I was using all natural materials.
We are made of the same composition as nature.
Therefore, natural soils and minerals resonate with us.
The whitewash is made of shellfish powder, but its white
color seems to remind us of the memory of ancient times. Gold leaf and charcoal are also five natural elements,
they represent water, fire, soil, wind, and gold.